Mental Health Hospital in the Home
Mental Health Hospital in the Home (MH HITH) provides in-home daily mental health care for eligible patients who would otherwise need to be admitted to hospital. A key focus of the service is the provision of interventions and support towards recovery.
The service is offered as part of the mental health services offered by Rockingham Peel Group (RkPG).
The MH HITH multidisciplinary team of mental health clinicians is based at Rockingham General Hospital.
In an emergency
In the case of an emergency or crisis please dial 000 or visit your nearest emergency department.
Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL)
Metro callers phone 1300 555 788 (local call)
Peel callers phone 1800 676 822 (free call)
Lifeline WA
24 hours a day / 7 day a week service Phone 131 114
The service provides patient with an intensity of care, similar to that provided in an inpatient ward, but with the flexibility of being in their home environment. This allows patients to receive acute care while maintaining daily routines and fulfilling normal functional and social roles.
Partnerships between clinicians and patients, and if consented their carers, continue for up to 14 days.
In collaboration with patients and their family or carers, a trained mental health nurse develops a care plan outlining goals and a treatment plan for the hospital in the home admission. Clinical care and interventions are tailored to patient preferences and assessed needs.
A nurse visits the patient at home daily to implement treatment and monitor progress. The aim of these visits is to work with patients so they develop an understanding of their illness, medications, improve coping skills and support recovery.
Medical reviews are conducted weekly, or more frequently as required.
Pharmacy and social work staff are involved to assess and treat specific needs as required.
In conjunction with home visits, this service aims to provide more accessible service via telehealth.
A person must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible for this service:
- be aged 18 to 64 years of age
- live in the Rockingham, Kwinana and Peel catchment area
- be experiencing an acute episode of mental illness and require admission to hospital.
The patient must be willing to be treated at home rather than in hospital and agree to daily visits. For hospital care to be provided in the home, the home environment must also be safe for both the patient and visiting staff.
Patients should have stable accommodation. It is also preferable to have supportive friends/family or carers who are willing and able to be actively involved in admission.
Consumers can be referred by their community mental health clinic, emergency department or public inpatient unit.
MH HITH clinicians will assess patients for suitability for the service and arrange admission to the program as appropriate.
Direct self-referral is not accepted.
Contact us
Phone the hospital switchboard on 9599 4000
Rockingham General Hospital, Elanora Drive, Cooloongup WA 6168
Hours of operation
The program operates 7 days a week.
In hours clinical care
8.00am to 5.00pm
Evening clinical care
5.00pm to 8.30pm
After hours support between 8.30pm to 8.00am
Patients will be provided with a phone number to call for urgent situations which do not require an emergency response.
Weekend/public holiday care
8.00am to 4.00pm, with evening care offered if required.