Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (external site) gives you a right to apply for access to documents held by Rockingham Peel Group.
This right is not affected by why you want to obtain access or our belief as to what your reasons are.
You may apply for access to documents held within Rockingham Peel Group in writing, by email, by facsimile or in person. You can also telephone to request an application form (PDF 176KB) be sent to you.
As per the Freedom of Information Act 1992, the access application has to:
- be in writing
- give enough information to enable the requested documents to be identified (e.g. full patient name including previous names if applicable and date of birth; dates of attendance and service unit)
- give an address in Australia where notices under this Act can be sent
- if possible, include a day-time telephone contact number
- give any other information or details required under the regulations
- be lodged at an office of the agency with any application fee payable under the regulations
- be accompanied by a consent form, if applicable, that is dated within 12 months of the request for information
- for personal applications, copies of two forms of proof of identification e.g. drivers’ licence, Medicare card etc (one with a current signature).
Methods of accessing documents
Access to documents may be requested by way of:
- inspection of documents
- copies of documents
- access in another form
- copies of audio tapes or computer discs
- transcripts of recorded documents or of words recorded in short-hand or coded form.
Requesting information for someone else
If you are requesting information on behalf for someone else, you will need to provide their written permission.
If you are applying for information about someone who has died, you must provide identification for yourself – as well as identification which clearly shows you are the closest relative to that person e.g. birth certificate, marriage certificate or death certificate.
If you are not the closest relative, you must provide written authorisation from the closest relative permitting you to access the information.
If you believe your personal information held by Rockingham Peel Group is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading, you may apply to have that information amended.
You may also apply to have a note written by you placed on your record.
Your request must be in writing, and you must give as much information/proof as you can to show how or why the record/s need to be amended.
You will be given written reasons if your amendment is refused. You will be advised of your rights of review of the decision.
You will be able to collect copies of the documents from the Freedom of Information Office or copies will be sent to you by mail.
If you are inspecting original documentation, this will be arranged by appointment in the Freedom of Information Office. You will be required to provide 2 forms of proof of identification before access is provided.
Contact us
Education, Safety Quality and Risk Unit
Telephone: 9599 4323 or 9599 4632
Fax: 9599 4251
PO Box 2033, Rockingham WA 6967