For health professionals
The following information is for health professionals who refer patients to Rockingham Peel Group.
Find information on referring patients to Rockingham General Hospital.
Contracted medical practitioners (specialist and general practitioners) must be accredited to Rockingham General and/or Murray District Hospital to offer specialist services.
See a list of contracted medical practitioners (external site).
Primary, community and acute healthcare referral and management pathways
Clinician Assist (external site) is a web-based portal with information on referral and management pathways helping clinicians to access appropriate services in the primary, community and acute health care settings in WA for patients.
Education and training for SMHS health professionals
MyLearning (the WA Health learning management system) enables South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) to administer, deliver and record learning and development activities for its staff.
SMHS staff can access MyLearning from within and outside the WA Health network – just log in to MyLearning (external link) and click on the ‘Health Employee Login’ button.