Rural GPO Rebecca completes first Advanced Emergency Diploma at Rockingham General Hospital ED

Practicing across rural WA from Broome to Narrogin as a General Practitioner Obstetrician (GPO), Rockingham General Hospital’s (RGH) Emergency Department (ED) Doctor Rebecca Pogson is used to thinking on her feet.
“Throughout my work, I see everything from low-risk, spontaneous natural births to very complex, life-threatening scenarios which we were able to deal with thanks to the excellent support from colleagues across the WA Country Health Service (WACHS),” Rebecca said.
Seeking to further develop her skills and provide women with even better rural maternity care, a few years ago Rebecca sought out additional training through completing an Advanced Emergency Diploma at the RGH ED.
“The diploma involves performing procedures such as intubations, central lines and defibrillation',” Rebecca said.
“It has been an excellent experience and I’ve been supported by the team at RGH to gain many valuable skills. I’d like to make special mention of and thank Dr Liz Paterson and Dr Anthony Tzannes.”
Dr Asheila Narang, Deputy Director Clinical Services, Rockingham Peel Group said Rebecca was the first doctor at RGH ED to be awarded with an Advanced Emergency Diploma.
“Most staff complete a certificate, but Rebecca did an amazing job to achieve all the requirements of a diploma,” Dr Narang said.
Additionally, Rebecca completed the diploma alongside having her third baby.
“Having my own babies makes me feel even more grateful to have the additional training to support rural women to have their babies safely in the country.”
Rebecca will return to Narrogin Hospital in May and take the skills she’s learnt back to the country through WACHS.