Our hospitals
At SMHS we deliver quality, safe and effective hospital services within a catchment area stretching 3,300 square kilometres across the southern half of Perth.
If the services you require are not available at your hospital, you will be referred or transferred to another hospital that can meet your needs. This may be another facility in the south metropolitan area or elsewhere in Perth, depending on your needs.
All of our hospitals work together. As a result, you may receive your health care at more than one hospital. For example, you may receive your initial surgery at a tertiary hospital and your follow-up care at another SMHS hospital.
Be assured, regardless of the location, you will be referred to the right hospital to meet your needs.
Learn more about our hospitals
Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group (FSFHG) comprises:
- Fiona Stanley Hospital
- Cockburn Health
- Fremantle Hospital
- Rottnest Island Nursing Post.
Fiona Stanley Hospital
Fiona Stanley Hospital is the major tertiary hospital in the south metropolitan area and offers comprehensive health care services to adults, youth and children. It has 783 beds and offers:
- acute, general and specialist medical and surgical services
- subacute services including rehabilitation and aged care
- comprehensive cancer services
- State adult burns unit
- State rehabilitation service including ventilator dependent quadriplegic service and spinal outreach service
- State heart, lung and bone marrow transplant service
- emergency and intensive care
- mental health
- maternity, paediatric and neonatal services.
Read more about Fiona Stanley Hospital (external site).
Fiona Stanley Hospital Medihotel
Based adjacent to Fiona Stanley Hospital, the Medihotel offers a range of nursing and medical led services to patients aged 18 years and older, including support for patients who no longer require tertiary level care.
Cockburn Health
Cockburn Health provides specialist mental health care services.
Fremantle Hospital
Providing specialist hospital services, Fremantle Hospital plays a vital role in supporting the tertiary services of Fiona Stanley Hospital and delivers specialist services including mental health, aged care, and elective surgical services in the following specialties:
- general medicine
- geriatric medicine, including subacute services and rehabilitation
- general surgery
- orthopaedics
- plastic surgery
- specialised hand surgery
- ear, nose and throat (ENT)
- gynaecological
- dental and maxillo-facial
- endoscopy
- ophthalmology
- urology
- vascular.
Learn more about Fremantle Hospital (external site).
Rottnest Island Nursing Post
Rottnest Island Nursing Post (external site) provides accident and emergency care to Rottnest Island residents and visitors.
Fremantle Community Mental Health Services
These services provide multidisciplinary, recovery-focused care in the community to adult consumers aged 18 and over who have a mental illness and live in the FH catchment area. Read about these services (external site).
Ventilator Dependent Quadriplegic Community Care
This statewide service that assists and supports eligible people requiring mechanical ventilation stay in the community.

Peel Health Campus is a 206-bed general hospital located in the City of Mandurah, 75 km south of Perth.
The campus provides a wide range of healthcare services to the Peel region, including Mandurah, the shires of Murray and Waroona, and surrounding areas.
In addition to its 24-hour emergency centre, the hospital’s inpatient and outpatient services include:
- aged care
- allied health – physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, speech pathology, social work
- anaesthetics
- dialysis
- ear, nose and throat surgery
- gastroenterology
- general medicine
- general surgery
- gynaecology
- maternity
- oncology
- onsite radiology and pathology
- ophthalmic surgery
- orthopaedics
- paediatrics
- palliative care
- rehabilitation
- urological surgery.
Learn more about Peel Health Campus (external site).
Rockingham Peel Group comprises:
- Rockingham General Hospital
- Murray District Hospital
- Mandurah Community Health Centre
- Kwinana Community Health
- Rockingham Community Mental Health Service
- Peel Community Mental Health Service.
Rockingham General Hospital
As a general hospital with an emergency department, it supports the following inpatient services:
- acute and general medicine
- geriatric medicine
- palliative care
- paediatrics
- obstetric and neonatal services
- surgical including ENT, gastroenterology, general, gynaecology, orthopaedic, plastics and paediatric (general)
- intensive care
- psychiatry (adult and older adult), including electroconvulsive therapy.
Learn more about Rockingham General Hospital (external site).
Murray District Hospital
As a small specialist hospital, Murray District Hospital located in Pinjarra provides aged care services, particularly to people awaiting rehabilitation and end-of-life-care. Medical care is provided by medical staff from Rockingham General Hospital and local GPs credentialed with admitting rights. Support services delivered at the hospital include medical imaging and allied health.
Find out more Murray District Hospital (external site).
Mandurah and Kwinana community health centres
Both these centres provide community health programs and clinics focused on health promotion and disease prevention management for adults and children (children’s services are provided by the Child and Adolescent Health Service).
Read about Mandurah Community Health Centre (external site)
Community Mental Health Services (Rockingham and Peel)
These services provide a comprehensive range of services and programs for individuals, families and groups including assessments, care planning, support and education, and rehabilitation programs.