Our Pharmacy Department provides clinical pharmacy services and medications to patients and clinical areas at Rockingham General Hospital, Murray District Hospital and the Rockingham Mental Health Service, including community clinics.
Our qualified pharmacists manage a patient’s medication matters while they are in hospital as part of a patient’s broader health care team.
Our dispensing services include:
- dispensing medication to inpatients, patients returning home, and people attending outpatient clinics
- counselling and providing medication information.
Common questions we ask patients include:
- the names of all medications (including herbal and alternative remedies) that the patient is taking at home, whether bought from the local pharmacy, supermarket, health food shop or other source
- allergic or unexpected reactions to any medications in the past.
Our services
Our services include:
- working with medical and nursing staff to achieve the best possible medication treatment and outcomes, taking into consideration the safety and effectiveness and medication
- teaching patients what their medications are used for, how to take them and what to expect, including possible side-effects
- dispensing medications to patients on the ward and coordinating supply for patients returning home
- speaking to local pharmacists and doctors if they need further information about a patient’s medication.
Other pharmacy functions
In addition to the services we provide directly to patients, the Pharmacy department also:
- advises doctors on the choice and dose of medication to ensure safe and quality use of medication
- monitors how medications are working and reports on side effects caused by medications
- anticipates issues that may occur when two or more medications are used together and advises on medication interactions
- advises how to give medications – for example, if a patient has difficulty swallowing tablets the pharmacist can provide alternatives
- provides up-to-date information about medications to doctors, nurses, other hospital staff and patients, and responds to their medication related questions
- coordinates and monitors intravenous (IV) feed formula (parenteral nutrition) for patients unable to take food otherwise
- advises on the selection of new medications for the hospital.
Contact us
Phone the Pharmacy Department on 9599 4865.
The Pharmacy department is located on the ground floor of B Block, Rockingham General Hospital
Opening hours
8am – 4.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Closed public holidays
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