Processed Donor Human Milk Notices – Treating Hospitals

The Supply of Processed Donor Human Milk in Western Australia Code of Practice 2024 (the Code) came into effect on 19 August 2024.

Under clause 62(4) of the Code, a Treating Hospital will provide the Chief Health Officer, no later than 14 days after occurrence, notice of any:

  • adverse event where dispensing of processed donor human milk at the Treating Hospital has posed a serious clinical risk to recipients, or
  • recall of processed donor human milk, or
  • failed audit results, or
  • if an adverse event has been notified, evidence the Treating Hospital is undertaking a review process (for example, Clinical Incident Management).

Adverse event:

A non-exhaustive list of adverse events where dispensing processed donor human milk has posed a serious clinical risk to recipients has been provided below:

  • an event that results in death
  • an event that is life threatening
  • an event that requires prolongation of existing hospitalisation
  • an event that results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity
  • an event that is the result of or related to an infectious disease
  • an event that is a medically important event or reaction
  • any incident involving clinical incident management review
Relevant legislation

The statutory requirement to make notices to the Chief Health Officer for occurrences relating to processed donor human milk are specified clause 62(4) of the Code.

The Code is issued by the Chief Health Officer under section 32A of the Human Tissue and Transplant Act 1982 (external site) and applies to donor human milk banks prescribed under the Human Tissue and Transplant Regulations 2024 (WA) and the treating hospitals which dispense donor human milk supplied by those milk banks.

Responsibility for notification
The person or persons assigned by the Treating Hospitals as administratively responsible for all Treating Hospitals operations under the Code.
Who must the notice be made to?
A notice must be made to the Chief Health Officer.
How to notify


For further information, please contact:

Office of the Chief Health Officer

Department of Health

PO Box 8172

Perth Business Centre WA 6849

Telephone: 6373 3902


Last reviewed: 02-09-2024