Notification of abortion (termination of pregnancy)

A health practitioner (medical practitioner, nurse practitioner, endorsed midwife) who performs an abortion (termination of pregnancy) must notify the Chief Health Officer of the event within 14 days of the abortion being performed.

Relevant legislation

On 27 March 2024 the Abortion Legislation Reform Act 2023 (external site) came into effect.

The statutory requirement to notify the Chief Health Officer of an abortion (termination of pregnancy) is specified in Sections 202MP and 202MQ of the Public Health Act 2016 (external site) and details are provided in the Chief Health Officer [Provision of Abortion Information] Directions (No.2) 2024 (PDF 148 KB).  

Responsibility for notification

The health practitioner (medical practitioner, nurse practitioner, endorsed midwife) who prescribed the abortion medication or performed the abortion.

Who must be notified

The Chief Health Officer must be notified.

Notification is via processes managed by the Department of Health.

How to notify of abortion

  1. Select the Abortion Notification e-form (external site)
  2. Provide a valid response to each question posed to describe the abortion performed
  3. Submit the completed notification
  4. Download a copy of the notification for your records.

Guide for use: Abortion notification e-form to notify the Chief Health Officer (PDF 304KB)

Notification due

Within 14 days of the abortion being performed.


Go to Abortion for more information regarding recent changes in legislation related to abortion in Western Australia

Or contact:

Maternal and Child Health team
Data Management, Information and Performance Governance Unit
Phone: 08 6373 1882
Fax: 08 9222 4408

Last reviewed: 22-03-2024
Produced by

Public Health