Don't Assume You're Immune immunisation campaign

This campaign aims to promote ' Don’t Assume You’re Immune ' to complacent Western Australians who have not been fully immunised. The targeted campaign is in response to an independent review of WA’s COVID-19 Management and Response.


Inform and educate the general population about:

  • vaccine preventable diseases
  • vaccination’s benefits
  • trust for vaccinations and reduce complacency
  • encourage people to be immunised as per the WA Immunisation Schedule.
Key messages
  • The health of our community is a priority - one of the most important ways we can prevent vaccine-preventable disease is through immunisation.
  • Immunisation is effective and essential for the health of our community.
  • Immunisation is the best way you can protect your family and friends from disease.
  • Make sure you get your health information from a credible source such as and HealthyWA.
  • Vaccinations are available through pharmacies, your GP, immunisation provider or Aboriginal health service.
Target audience

State-wide, metro, regional and remote WA

General population with a focus on those most vulnerable:

  • parents of children 0–5 years
  • parents of primary school aged children (5–11/12 years)
  • parents of adolescents aged 12–17 years
  • pregnant women
  • individuals aged 18 and above
  • Aboriginal people
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people.

Secondary audience:

  • Medical professionals including General Practitioners, pharmacists and midwives and other immunisation providers.
  • School and early childhood education staff.

June 2024 – June 2025

Approved articles

Article – short 

‘Don’t Assume You’re Immune’ campaign launched

‘Don’t Assume You’re Immune’ is the new campaign launched by the State Government.

The campaign highlights the risks people place on themselves and their loved ones if they’re not immunised against vaccine-preventable diseases.

To learn more, visit WA Immunisation or speak to an immunisation provider such as your GP, pharmacist, community health nurse or Aboriginal health worker/practitioner.


Article – long

‘Don’t Assume You’re Immune’ campaign launched

‘Don’t Assume You’re Immune’ is the new campaign launched by the State Government.

A series of compelling videos and images have been created to prompt people to stop and think about the risks they could be placing on themselves and those around them by not being immunised.

Vaccine-preventable diseases are still found in our community, and immunisation is the best way to protect people against these diseases.

The 12-month campaign encourages people to get the facts about vaccine-preventable diseases. Visit the new online information hub, or speak to an immunisation provider such as your GP, pharmacist, community health nurse or Aboriginal health worker/practitioner.

The campaign was developed in response to a recommendation from the independent review of WA’s COVID-19 management to combat inaccurate and false information regarding public health measures.

To learn more visit WA Immunisation.

Translated resources

Download any the following translated campaign resources. Each language kit contains posters, social media tiles and suggested captions with relevant translations across key diseases.


Contact us

The campaign is coordinated by the Communications Directorate in collaboration with the Communicable Disease Control Directorate and Department of Premier and Cabinet. Please contact us if you need further information or materials in alternative formats.


How to download the resources

  1. Click on the link of the resource you would like
  2. Right click and save image / video on your desktop
  3. Use the downloaded file on your channels